PRAGMATISM is an educational philosophy we strongly believe in. It emphasises on the usefulness and practical utility of subjects in the real world. The children should learn through experiments and experience, not just through facts and ideas. According to pragmatism, the reality itself is relative and subject to change depending on the situation, the context in which it is applied, the people and materials involved and so on. As change is the only constant thing, everybody in the universe has to be ready to welcome and accept the change.
As a school, we play an important role in preparing our children for their future and Life Beyond School.
We strongly believe in John Dewey’s saying,
“If we teach today’s children as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow”
The philosophy has influenced today’s education because they introduced hands on learning environment, experimentation and forming hypothesis. According to pragmatism, this is how reality is formed. They highlight the connectiveness of the world through holistic and interdisciplinary approach.Interaction with peers and environment is very much emphasised in pragmatism. Children must experience others’ opinions and beliefs to develop their own. Here, the classrooms are full of hands on learning activities and experiences for the students. They will be able to discover new things for themselves through teacher created learning opportunities. This could be implemented through different ways.
At The Hillside Prep, we follow the pragmatic philosophy through the Project Based Learning approach which is a multidisciplinary, constructivist form of learning or pedagogy where students study a topic or concept through a holistic approach instead of subject-based approach. Here, the real-world phenomena provides the starting point for learning. The phenomena are studied as complete entities in their real context, and the information & skills related to them are studied by crossing the boundaries between subjects.